The total mark allocated for each course is (100) marks that distributed as follow :
1. (50) Marks for Final Examination.
2. (50) Marks for the continuous assessment that holds :
- (20) Marks for Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).
- (30) Marks for the Mid-Term Examination (MTA).
(A) Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs)The student must be committed to submit the course assignment before its corresponding deadline date that is decided on the approved academic calendar for each course.The student will be given a (zero) mark for every non-submitted assignment before the deadline unless he/she presents a valid excuse. In this case, he/she may be given a chance period not exceeding seven days from that date to submit the TMA, provides that grades will be deducted from the total TMA mark.
(B) The Midterm and Final Exams- Midterm and final examination is held at the same time and the same date in all Branches.
- Unified Exams Schedules are posted at the beginning of each semester by Examination.
(C) Postpone the Exams
- If the student didn’t attend the exam (Absent) then he/she will earn a (zero) mark unless he/she submits a valid excuse within three days from the Examination date.
- The Exam Excuses must be submitted online through the Exam postponed System.
- Branch Examination Committee (BEC) will study the submitted exams excuses and take the decision of acceptance or rejection.
- If the excuse is accepted, letter (I) –for Incomplete –will be given to the student and he/she will be allowed to site for the makeup exam on its first subsequent session.
- If the student fails to sit for the makeup exam on its first subsequent session, the symbol (I) will be replaced by letter (F) Fail in the course.