Q1: What is the difference between Academic Appeals & Complaints System?
Academic Appeal is an expression of any dissatisfaction against academic grades/marks. It’s basically an academic request from a student for formal review of his/her final course grade or continuous assessment grade.
Complaint is an expression of any dissatisfaction about the quality or the adequacy of the programme provision, as well as, any dissatisfaction about any service provided by the University. This includes (not limited to) the following areas:
1. Poor teaching quality or tutorial services.
2. Inadequate services and facilities.
3. Misconduct by any University staff – administrative or academic.
4. Misconduct by any student within University premises.
5. Offensive or racist remark by staff or student within the University Premises.
6. Any other areas where a student is dissatisfied about.
In summary, appeals are about any dissatisfaction regarding the academic grades (MTA, TMA, Final Exam), while complaints are for any other dissatisfaction against Administrative Departments or any of the Faculties.
Q2: When can I submit complaints and/or appeals requests?
For complaints, the sooner you submit the complaint requests the better. Complaints that are lodged after a long period of time may be difficult to resolve unless backed by strong supportive evidence.
For appeals, you have to submit the appeal requests within 7 days from the date of announcing the grades.
Q3. To whom do I submit complaints and/or appeals requests?
You are advised to submit complaints and/or appeals requests through the SIS (Student Information System). The page will ask you to fill all the details and the submitted form will be directed to the concerned department (as detailed in Q5).
Q4. What is the information required from me to submit complaints and/or appeals?
For complaints, you will be required to fill up an online form and provide all details about the issue that you are complaining about. You must state the grounds for the complaint giving detailed reasons to support your case
For appeals, you will be required to pay the appeal fees through the finance department prior submitting the appeal request. Then, you will be required to select the course and the type of assessment you are appealing against (TMA, MTA or Final exam), as well as, writing the details of the case.
You will also be allowed to share any additional document to support your case.
Q5. What is the process of handling the complaints submitted by me?
The concerned department will examine the complaint and it may consult other members of University staff or departments if it is deemed appropriate in particular cases. The concerned department studies the case and provide a feedback through the system. The feedback will be sent to the Assistant Director for Administrative and Finance Affairs or Assistant Director for Academic Affairs -depending on the nature and subject of the complaints- for approval. After that; the complaints will proceed to the Branch Director office for final review and decision. You will be able to view the process and final decision through the dedicated page in SIS.
Q6. How long would the entire process take?
Since, we want to ensure the best for you, the entire process may take from 2-3 weeks. However, you may expect a reply earlier depending on the nature and severity of your case.
Q7: Is my physical presence in the campus required?
No. All your complaints and appeals will be recorded electronically on the Student Support System (SSS). However, in few cases your presence might be required if the dedicated complaints and/or appeals committee deems it necessary.
Q8: Is it alright for me to complain against a tutor or staff?
Yes. The main purpose of the complaints system is to hear your dissatisfaction regarding any issue you have. Your dissatisfaction with academic or administrative services is our top & serious concern. We need to hear from you to improve and assure the quality of services in creating an enabling learning environment.
Q9: Will my information be kept confidential?
Yes. Complete confidentiality will be maintained regarding your request and no information whatsoever will be revealed to anyone other than concerned committee.
Q10: What do I do if I am dissatisfied with the AOUs handling of my complaint / Appeal?
For complaints, if you are not satisfied with the result, you can submit a request to the Branch Director Office within 7 days of the result (solution) and they will raise your case to HQ in Kuwait (VPAA Vice President for Academic Affairs & Scientific Research or VPAF Vice President for Administrative & Financial Affairs) according to the case. The respective office in HQ shall investigate the case and provide you with a final decision.
For appeals, the original appeal request should be submitted to the Admission, Registration and Examination department within 7 days of announcing the results. If you are still not satisfied with the appeal results, you can re-appeal on the 3rd week of announcing the results, a re-appeal committee shall be formed to study your case, and on the 4th week, the re-appeal results will be announced. If you are still not satisfied with the result and the course you are appealing against, is an Open University Validated Course, you can submit a third appeal and OUVP in UK will handle your case and provide you with a final decision.
Note: The student’s right to appeal will be dropped if he/she does not adhere to the specified period.